With this release, we encourage the last few CWA users (internal and external) to make the transition to LiveFleet.
Starting today (06 September 2018), users who access the CWA will be automatically redirected to the LiveFleet login page, from where they can log in with the same email and password.
Users who access LiveFleet for the first time will be greeted with a "Quick Tour", which will guide them step-by-step through the main features.
The PAL dashboard tile "Alerts from CWA and Financial Reporting" has been renamed to "Alerts from LiveFleet and Financial Reporting".
Clicking a comment now takes you to the relevant page in LiveFleet.
The "CWA Alerts" daily email has also been updated with a new design.
A new page "LiveFleet User Activity" is available in the Financial Reporting PAL module. This allows you to view the detailed activity of each user on the platform:
Vessels viewed
Pages/reports accessed
Browser/Operating System used to access LiveFleet.
The "Tracking" folder was renamed to "LiveFleet Monitoring Tools". This will soon include more tools that will allow you to better manage the accuracy of the information provided to your clients in LiveFleet.
The Job Overview report gives an overview of the PMS jobs for each equipment. Overdue jobs are displayed in red, and the jobs due shortly are displayed in orange.
This report shows the goods receipt details corresponding to each purchase order of the selected vessel. POs with multiple GRN records will be listed as groups. The Order Date, GRN Date and the destination will be displayed. There is also a provision to download each goods receipt.
Financial Reporting: We heard that the process of rejecting deliverables in LiveFleet was not as straightforward as it used to be in CWA. This has now been fixed.
The OPEX Variance dashboard tile now provides a direct drill-down to the Variance report for the selected period.
Improved UI compatibility with other browsers such as Internet Explorer. Please keep in mind that PAL is optimized for Google Chrome.