LiveFleet release notes - Version 4.1.6 - 23-Jul-2019

LiveFleet release notes - Version 4.1.6 - 23-Jul-2019

Today's release brings the following new features and improvements.

Crew Profile - Owner's documents

More documents from Crewing PAL can be shown to owners via LiveFleet. You now have the option to give access to all documents available under the type "Owner docs" .

If you wish to provide this option to specific clients, please get in touch with your local LiveFleet Officer who will configure this upon request via the Report Parameter Settings. Once enabled, an additional tab "Owner Documents" will be available in the LiveFleet Crew Profile.

Layout improvements to the comments pane

The comments pane is now visible by default in all reports, making it easier to navigate directly to the relevant report page or account in which the comment was made.

The default width of the comments pane is now much smaller, giving you more horizontal space to view the report. You can also drag the border to resize it manually to your preferred width.

Consistent behaviour when selecting a vessel in the Fleet List

Fixed a bug that sometimes occurred when selecting a vessel in the Fleet List. This should now allow you to easily switch between different vessels in the same page without taking you to the vessel dashboard.

Hire income and Vessel earnings

Both tiles now include more details from the Chartering PAL Voyage Results. You can now see detailed information for off-hires, idle time and positioning legs, including exact date/time and number of days.

More accurate vessel positions with StratumFive

We have now implemented StratumFive's web API. You should be able to view more frequent updates for all vessels reporting their position via StratumFive. This will improve the accuracy of the tracking and hopefully prevent vessels from "flying over land".

Consumption alerts

In preparation for an upcoming release, we are disabling the Consumption alerts tile for all owners and SMCs. The tile will be updated later based on data from the Performance module.

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