(For vessels using StratumFive, the logic is similar but the exact steps will be different. For assistance please contact support@stratumfive.com).
If the vessel is in port, it could be experiencing problems with interference or obstruction. When the vessel is in port, there is an increased probability of reporting problems as there is likely to be a high concentration of interference sources. High power VHF, UHF and microwave equipment can all cause interference problems. Buildings, gantries and other large structures can also cause problems by blocking the line of sight to the satellite. Once the vessel puts out to sea, you should expect to receive a position report within 24 hours.
Go to your Pole Star account https://login.polestarglobal.com/#tracking/account/111
Select the ship for which the position is missing in LiveFleet
Check the Time since the last position report
As the following image shows the position was received "an hour ago" for the first ship but the second ship does not have this information as it has not reported its position since the point of registration.
Once a ship has been identified as non-reporting, it is possible to detect whether the ship has more than one transceiver.
It is possible to identify which transceiver(s) is/are not reporting.
Select the non-reporting ship in the tracking tab.
Expand the position information to show the last reported position and time of the last received report.
Expand the details for each transceiver to show the details of the position of the last report.
The non-reporting transceiver can be identified as the"last reported time" will be longer than the "Reporting rate".