The voyage performance data in LiveFleet comes from the logs created in Voyage PAL on board the ship. There could be different reasons why this is not reflected properly in LiveFleet:
The vessel is not creating logs in Voyage PAL => Contact Vessel PAL Support for assistance
The vessel is creating Voyage logs but these are not replicated to the office => Contact Replication module support for assistance
The Voyage logs are replicated and available in Voyage PAL (office side), but the integration with LiveFleet is not enabled => Enable the integration
Here are the steps required to allow the voyage data to be replicated from Ship to Shore:
PAL PC DB is delivered and set up on board. Replication between Ship to Shore is established.
The office staff (Technical Superintendent) must then configure the VOYAGE module.
Data from the office will be replicated to the vessel.
Chief Engineer on board will enter First time Stock Inventory of Fuels onboard (FTI).
Master can then send the first-time NOON to NOON daily report, only when we receive the first Noon report, will the vessel be LIVE in Voyage PAL.
Once the vessel is live, the LiveFleet Officer must enable the integration between Voyage PAL and LiveFleet and only then can the data be imported into LIVEFLEET.
Check that the integration between Voyage PAL and LiveFleet is still enabled
Check in Voyage PAL when was the last log received from the vessel
If you notice that data is incorrect, it will have to be amended by the ship staff in Voyage PAL (vessel module).
However, once a log has been sent by the ship, it cannot be amended directly. The system will prompt "Sent log cannot be amended"
The superintendent will first have to reject the log from the office side.
2. Only then can the ship staff make the corrections and re-submit the log in Voyage PAL